The Beginners Mind

Beginner’s Mind

I've spent many years teaching and slamming up against intellectual…
The Beginners Mind

Warrior 1

Warrior 1 pose or virabhadrasana 1 is a common pose in a standing…
The Beginners Mind


I found a book at the thrift store today that was about yoga.…
The Beginners Mind

Triangle pose

Trikonasana or triangle pose is an extremely common standing…
The Beginners Mind

MIS retreat

Long ago I became excited due to there being a gathering at Bharsana…
The Beginners Mind

Warrior 2

I've heard Patricia Walden, one of Iyengar's senior teachers,…
The Beginners Mind

Mountain pose

Tadasana or mountain pose is the foundational standing pose in…
The Beginners Mind

variations in plow

Plow and shoulderstand are usually performed together, plow first…
The Beginners Mind


Shoulderstand or salamba sarvangasana is the queen of the yoga…
The Beginners Mind

Plow pose

Halasana or plow pose is a common pairing with shoulderstand…
The Beginners Mind

Headstand pt.4

In this last installment on headstand we discuss the effect of…
The Beginners Mind

Headstand pt.3

Respiration is influenced in very interesting ways in headstand.…
The Beginners Mind

Headstand pt.2

Inversions bathe the endocrine organs (pituitary gland, thyroid…