Corn Dogs

Years ago I returned home to my wife and her kids were in town. I took a small vacation to Oregon and was nervous about looking through the fridge to see what she’d been feeding them. I put lots of care and attention into food being a cook and foodie for years. It means alot to me to give the kids food that’s hopefully not only nutritious but something they’ll remember when they’re older. Food is nurturing and it’s one of the ways I take care of people.

I pulled open a drawer and found (do you hear the ominous music?)…beef weenies. There were probably 4 packages of the cheap beef weenies kids will pull straight out of the package and eat. I remember using them as catfish bait when Iwould go fishing as a kid.

I rubbed my head, pondered my situation and being the kitchen thrift I am had to figure out a way to make the best out of a completely all American processed lips and buttholes. I considered chili dogs which I’m not averse to but I just wasn’t feeling it. I thought about pigs in a blanket, which would add another cheap component of crecent rolls in a can. Nah, no go.

Then, I searched deep into the recesses of my mind and remembered, didn’t Alton Brown do a corndog recipe on Good Eats? Corndogs. I’ve never had homeade corndogs. Visions of this place in the mall, where my mom stopped and got me a corndog and lemonade as a child, danced in my head. It’s a cornmeal batter fried weenie on a stick. It’s America. It’s patriotic. There’s a sense of duty in there somewhere.

I got all the ingredients together and made a buttermilk batter with some jalapeno bits. There’s a mix of flour and cornmeal and it makes a thick batter. I had the kids place the weenies on the sticks as part of their contribution to the meal. I bought oil. I almost never buy cooking oil, I don’t fry things often. Only on occasion.

My large stock pot was ¾ full and the temp of the oil got to around 350F. We’re about to launch. So I dip the weenie in cornstarch, then the batter, then the oil. It bubbles gently and fries to a good solid crisp and then I retrieved them after about 4 minutes. I placed them on a plate with papertowels to catch any additional oil. I only had say 80 more to go.

I fried them in batches of 5 so the oil temp didn’t drop too low and the slow steady pace meant that thirty minutes or so in I was about half done. I decided it was time for the cooks snack and reached over and sniffed, glanced at and pondered..a corndog. I’d made honey mustard to dip them in and after a small dip took a bite. My god, corndogs are amazing homeade. I realize why they’re popular at county fairs and such. It’s easy, quick, portable fried meat and carbs on a stick.

I’d had the kids help prep lemonade from scratch and I’d also made home fries in the oven. For those we just wedged some yukon gold potatos and tossed them in extra virgin olive oil, fresh cracked pepper and sea salt. Thirty minutes on a sheet pan in the oven and they’ve got a good crisp on one side and cook through.

Not a bad meal. Corndogs, fries and lemonade. It’s not what I consider the healthiest of fare but it’s also a meal made for a large group of 6 or so people and young kids who eat food like Viking hoardes on a pillage. Everyone oohed and aaahed at the table. I was as blown away as they were. I used to eat corndogs out of a package as a kid. We’d microwave them and they were horrible in retrospect. They had none of the flavor and texture of these. These were dare I say, near…gourmet.

As we sat down to eat I usually wax philosophic on some subject that mildly annoys the children. It’s like getting your hair done, you’re not going anywhere while someone with sheets of foil is dealing with you mid hilight. This dinner was good enough that they wouldn’t run away.

I asked Jamie, the youngest, what the hot dogs were made of. He said beef. I told him they were made of beef, chicken and pork. What did those animals eat? He said corn. Ah, our old friend corn. So the hot dogs are really made of corn. All of the animals that went into these weenies were treated poorly, fed a diet high in corn and to top it off, what is the batter made of Jamie? Corn. He’s correct.

Jamie that soda you’re drinking, what is it made of? Corn. He’d gotten used to this conversation as I’d had it with him no less than 5 times to the amusement and embarassment of the rest of the family. I had him read the ingredient label on the hot dogs and the children reminded me how old and fat I am since I can’t read the label, the print is too small for me these days without reading glasses.

High fructose corn syrup was even an ingredient in the dogs.

What’s the buttermilk made of Jamie? Milk. Where does milk come from? Cows. What do cows eat? Well in this case they eat…you guessed it.

I won’t go off on a tirade here but read The Omnivores Dilemma by Michael Pollan. It’s probably the most important book on food written in the last 50 years. He has an extensive discussion of the ins and outs and let’s just say we think we know why America has problems with obesity. It’s being sold to you in everything. It’s corn and the federal government subsidizes its production.

The one thing we did do with this meal is follow one of Michael Pollans food rules. It’s #39:

Eat all the junk food you want but make it yourself.

This is where the meal came together for me. I’m constantly trying to find the line of moderation in central TX. I’m a yoga teacher who eats barebecue but yoga enthusiasts tell me I’m supposed to be a vegetarian. I simply find it nearly impossible to live in modern America without occasionally eating a cheeseburger. My food intake and my weight fluctuate and I’ve no wish to emulate those I see on tv. Body image issues loom large.

You are what you eat. I hear this again and again.

“Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man”–Matthew 15:11

I also ponder this Bible verse. Years ago I read that Timothy Leary was asked what was the one thing that made communal living nearly impossible. His reply was, “hell hath no fury like a macrobiotic scorned.” Food is open. I have my judgement, just ask me about raw foods sometime. Overall I keep an open mind and try to keep balance. All things in moderation, including excess. I’ll be eating a corn dog and practicing bikram yoga till I’m old and grey.

**The real purpose of this article is an excuse to post photos of the children who have announced that I, at 34 years of age, am now…old and fat. Back at cha kids.

Keeping cool in style

We don’t use central a/c in our home. Let me repeat that as you gasp at our 40th 100F degree in a row. We don’t use central a/c in our home. There are a variety of reasons for this but it really changes how we interact with the outside world and our environment.

In working out how to keep cool during the day we take frequent quick showers just to rinse off. We wear very little clothing around the house and it’s not uncommon for me to wear what I jokingly refer to as my bikram panties around the house. In the middle of the day we do very little, usually read or watch programs we enjoy. Any real work is usually done after the sun goes down or possibly very early in the morning.

I enjoy drinking coffee and tea and love these warm beverages in winter. When summer comes around I can’t bear drinking more hot beverages except occasionally tea. I find the warming qualities of hot tea make me sweat and therefore cool off rapidly. When I’m not in the mood for hot drinks I reach for the cold stuff.

This leads me to cold brewed coffee and tea. Yum!

On a hot day there’s nothing quite as wonderful as a glass of cold brewed green tea over ice. The green tea is full of antioxidants and is extremely healthy as a beverage. The caffeine content is negligible and I find green tea makes me mentally alert without being speedy like coffee. I don’t sweeten mine but you can use a simple syrup to sweeten it gently. Cold beverages don’t allow sugar to dissolve very easily so I make them for these beverages. For cold brewed coffee I make a simple syrup out of turbinado sugar.

Cold brewed coffee recipe:

1 gallon of water
3/4 to 1 lb. freshly ground coffee beans on medium grind (you can use plain ground coffee if you choose)

Steep in a large bowl overnight. Anywhere from 12-16 hours. Strain through a fine mesh and store the cold brew in the fridge for up to a week. Different recipes change the amount of coffee, this makes a strong enough brew for myself without being amped. Experiment with the steeping and amount of grounds you use. Keep in mind that you’re serving it over ice which will water it down some and adding some sugar or creamer is a choice if you care to. It’s wonderful on a cold day.

You don’t need high quality beans for cold brewed coffee, this extraction method means you extract less of the overall bean and particularly the oils that make high end coffee from a french press or espresso so yummy. Cold brewed coffee is very smooth and clean while being particular nutty in flavor.

12-13 tea bags of green tea
1 gallon of water

Steep overnight in the fridge. 8 hours will do the trick. Remove the teabags and store in the fridge for up to a week.

You can make this with any tea you like. Try an oolong or something more flavorful. I like green and white teas for their flavor and health properties but make what appeals to you.

Simple Syrup recipe:
1 part turbinado sugar
1 part water

Add your sugar to the container then pour nearly boiling water over it. I use a glass jar or bottle. Stir till dissolved and refridgerate. Will keep for around 2 weeks.

You can make this with any kind of sugar you like but I prefer using a slightly less refined sugar like turbinado but again use what you like.

I hope these simple recipes help you deal with our summer heat. Keep cool out there.