Spine Care and Disc Herniations

Disc bulges and herniations are horrible to deal with. Having worked with clients with chronic back pain I feel the utmost compassion for those in pain. Typically there are soft tissue components to disc herniations and those are the ones I help with as a bodyworker. By stretching and helping align the soft tissues we help the spine come back to normal movement and mobility and hopefully take pressure off of that herniated disc or bulge.

In the above short video I discuss spine care with my friend slim. Long term the key is to lengthen the spinal column and backbend gently.

Migraines and Chronic Headaches

I’ve worked for 13 years and butted my head up against many an issue in an attempt to try to help people. One of the things I’ve seen over the years that I’ve had almost no success with have been migraines. Chronic headaches I’d get some improvement from neck muscle work but migraines are the oddest thing.

Running across an article in a magazine I found out that there were lawsuits related to doctors using botox to treat migraines. The FDA hadn’t given approval for that use specifically and a patient had a horrible adverse response. I nearly blew a fuse reading the article because I know enough to know that in most people all botox does is stop a muscle from contracting. I’ve Never heard a doctor say that muscle tension or spasm can cause or contribute to a migraine. I just let the information percolate.

Robert Gardner Wellness headaches

To make a long story short I’ve kept working, kept reading and studying and in the last 2 months I’ve seen around 5 clients and found muscle patterns that repeatedly reflect muscle tension patterns with chronic headaches. I’m getting ready to run a small migraine and chronic headache clinic so stay tuned. In one client her headaches went away almost completely and in the other 4 their frequency and intensity decreased. That’s not bad for a massage therapist who doesn’t diagnose or treat anything. See you in clinic soon.

Thai Massage Is Good For Your Body

I’ve spent lots of time over the years giving Thai massage and it’s as good for the receiver as much as the giver. As a receiver you get deeper consistent pressure and the range of motion involved in unparalleled. Those aches and pains you get in your back and neck go away and stay away longer than table massage.

As someone who gives the work I get a chance to move, breathe, stretch and exert muscles. I burn more calories than giving table massage and have a broader range of motion while using my whole body not just my arms and hands. This full bodied practice reminds me of moving meditation again and again.