
Honoring the Cycle

My wife Andrea and I often have conversations about biorhythms and in particular sleep patterns. She does much better when she can wake and sleep as needed and nap in addition. I’m pretty much the same and a bit of a night owl. Over time we’ve worked with each other to create as much space within our work lives and personal time to allow for that much needed rest.

I’ve had to learn to nap since I grew up with some odd protestant work ethic that meant naps were for lazy people. Once Andrea and I moved in I realized that when I did nap, I was more alert, calm, centered and did far better quality work post nap. The nap itself, improved work. The siesta exists for a reason.

I gain weight in winter, slim in summer due to dietary changes and exercise levels. My mental clarity is best in the evening when others are already in bed. Over time I’ve learned to just go with it. It’s why I can write a clear blog post at 1am.

Honor your body and your cycles. Don’t resist so much. Sleep when you’re tired, eat when you’re hungry and listen to your body.

13 pt.3

Hospital cafeteria food? Is it really food? It may be a touch better than what I remember being served in public school but I can’t consider it much in the way of health giving. Food is an extremely touchy subject for many people. I think I’ve lost more friends to vegetarianism, vegans or raw food than anything including drugs or religion.

What’s healthy to eat? There is no definition of health. George Burns lived on coffee and cigars and lived to be 100. I’m not saying it’s everyones choice but all things in moderation.

Beyond the nutritional content of the muffins, juice and high fructose corn syrup of the coke I just purchased from the cafe is the quantity that people consume those foods in. I’m unsure of the ratio but I often think our bodies are capable of fending off huge amounts of illness but we overtax them. Do we really need the buffet at Golden Corral? Quality and quantity are linked in much the same way that nature and nurture are.

High fructose corn syrup is consumed in amounts that are staggering. It’s placed into most packaged processed foods and although I don’t avoid it all together I do try to limit it in our house. I started buying soda with regular sugar like Mountain Dew Throwback and the kids like it just fine. Regular sugar has the same glycemic index issues but I trust it more due to its longer history with our species. We also limit the kids to a single soda a day.

It’s not to me about absolutes, right and wrong so much as general paths. This is the direction we’re headed, what helps us get there? I don’t want to feel shame when I eat anything, even the Whataburger I had late last night. Guilt, shame, and eating to avoid feeling is a sure way to develop a negative relationship to something that should be healing. Taking joy in food, even the occasional soda with hfcs is surely better for you than being sad and lamenting your choices for hours on end.

Now to find out if I get arrested for doing headstands in the hospital waiting room.

Rhythms in nature

I’ve been gardening for years now and still know nothing. Patience is acquired in gardening through the slow process of whittling away the unnecessary much like your yoga practice.


Over time I start seeds in trays and get a 50% hit or miss ratio on sprouting and transplanting.





Direct seeding has been even more topsy turvy and I’d say I’ve got a 20% success rate. Some of my seed was getting old in the fall so I decided to just plant it directly and let nature take its course. I watered for several weeks and nothing sprouted. Oh well, live and learn. The planting guides for our area I’ve decided are written by trolls with a sense of humor.



We had lots of rain and then in the middle of winter, things sprout. Alright…just let the rhythm do what it does. You’re the reminder nature. Start where you are, grow your roots. Indeed.