What Kind Of Massage Do You Do?

I’ve got lots of folks asking me questions these days and I’ve been formulating an elevator speech. My work has diversified because I’m not just seeing clients, I’m educating and leading the forefront on CEU classes for massage therapists.

Currently I’m getting ready to unleash the following:

Robert Gardner Wellness Thai Massage Leg Work

A regular pain clinic where clients can receive a 30 minute session while others observe and do yoga therapy.

Classes are coming up in the form of a short course here in Round Rock, and an Intro to Thai massage and Table Thai combo class that’s 5 days. Arkansas and Louisiana are going to receive the same treatment. I’ll post more info and dates when I have it.

So, what do I do? I’m still not sure it has a name. I think it’s the best bodywork I’ve ever seen. It’s not really massage, could be called bodywork but I don’t work on cars. Selling something that doesn’t have a cultural box has been quite the challenge. I will say, my clients get better, whatever we desire to name it.

If you’re in physical pain, contact me. This isn’t what you’re used to when you think massage but it works. When asked for an elevator speech I say, “It’s the best bodywork you’ve never had.”