Neck Pain Relief Techniques At Home

Many people I see have ongoing issues with their neck and I’ve developed easy to use stuff even I use at home to help myself between massage sessions. These in no way replace seeing a professional but I think they work best with regular massage as maintenance. If you have a foam roll at home try this.

Headache issues are also a constant complaint and tension headaches seem to have involvement from many posterior neck muscles including the suboccipitals. The top of the neck connects to the two top neck vertebrae from these muscles and this broad compression is an easy way to access a broad swathe of muscles that may be giving you challenges.

Go slow and breathe. Check out the blog post on upper back pain as well. Many issues through the neck and upper back are connected.

Upper Back Pain Relief

Upper back pain and neck issues are a constant that massage therapists see in their offices. In addition to the soft tissue work I do I assist clients by giving them information on how to work on themselves. This means that their back pain goes away longer and if it recurs they have a way to work on themselves.

The trick is to go slow and at your own pace that your breathing allows. Don’t just roll up and down aggressively. Hang out on a spot. If you need to prop yourself with pillows or bolsters feel free. Also keep in mind that a little goes a long way. Much upper back pain could be helped in as little as 5 minutes a day. Feel your way through this and if the foam roll itself is too firm or feels sharp then put a towel over it possibly folding it several times. This will dampen make it less sharp and cushion you a bit.

Enjoy and I hope your upper back feel more open.

Be sure to check out the neck blog post and video as well. The two areas are interrelated.