
Forearms and Hands pt.1

The forearms and hands are areas that massage therapists are all too aware of. Our work means that if we’re not careful we can develop the problems we see in our clients. My wife Andrea wanted some videos discussing and delving into the work we do together exploring how to keep her in shape to knit and work in fiber arts.

As an avid bodyworker married to a fiber artisan I’m very aware of the areas she’s working and how to release them, thus making her job easier. One of the things we discussed beyond the physical issues we encounter in our work is the mental anxiety that comes with knowing that if you cannot work, then what? This stress led me to figure out my own hand and arm issues and I’m happy to announce that I’ve been doing what I do for ten years with no signs of stopping. Self care is a big deal.

In the video we’re stretching the forearm extensors. I see people regularly who announce they have carpal tunnel syndrome who have horrible trigger points in their forearm extensors. Treat the trigger points and often…carpal tunnel goes away. That’s a large announcement but unless there is actual nerve degeneration my professional expertise is that Good bodywork can ease carpal tunnel issues and lead to a reduction if not disappearance of symptoms.

Stretching the forearms and applying pressure yourself with a tennis ball, baseball, then golf ball in that order is a superb way of having knitters take care of this area. Musicians, desk junkies and massage therapists take note, you need this too. It will help you understand the area we’re working on and how to alleviate the chronic issues you encounter from repetitive motions. If you find the floor doesn’t work for you try the same exercises against a wall.

Good luck and check out part 2. I’ll post that soon.