
Want To Get Better?

As I’m finishing writing the Table Thai workbook I’m amazed at all that’s going on. Classes in different cities, community classes at Blue Honey Yoga, private practice is booming and all the while I feel less like a massage therapist every day. I suppose these changes are normal growth, small turbulence in an active practice.

Robert Gardner Wellness Thai Massage is better

I love massage therapists and the public and I’m doing everything I can to show them there’s a better way. If you don’t know what Thai massage is yet, get ready for the rest of 2014.

What do you do?

Narrowing down my chosen profession is the opposite of what appeals to me. By its very nature, the path I’ve taken is holistic. I may be grabbing onto your limbs and body but I’m trying to help you access your soul. Deep healing only comes from working through layers of being.

Is what I do yoga? Yes. Is what I do Thai massage? Yes. Is what I do yoga therapy? Yes. Wellness education? Yes. It’s a mix of all of these things. Any information I have, I just pass it along.

If you’re working with massage therapists who aren’t educating you I think that’s falling down on the job. If you want something completely different, something completely new to help you access deeper levels of your own healing, then you come to me.

If you say, $130.00 a session! Wow, that’s expensive. Then I may not be what you’re looking for. My busy practice and growing clientele seems happy to pay for a quality service they can’t get elsewhere. Does your massage therapist meditate? Do they do yoga to calm their own nervous system so they can listen to your body more? Those are the questions the public should be asking massage therapists.

If you’re not into those things, well, there’s a spa down the road where a therapist will be happy to slap some cream on your back.