
Thai Massage Is The Best!

I’ve been doing lots of promotion on various facebook groups related to massage and Thai massage in particular. One of the things I’ve noticed is that other massage therapists talk about Thai massage as a modality. For the life of me I can’t fathom what they learned or were talking about. A modality seems to be something you add to your massage like Reiki, hot stones, reflexology and trigger point therapy. To me that’s akin to saying you learned this little thing that’s an add on.

Big Twist Robert Gardner Wellness

Thai massage is The Best Bodywork I’ve Ever Had. I’ve looked under every rock, nook and cranny for more and I’m still practicing it 9 years later. Thai massage is So vast I find it never ending. Much like Chinese medicine you become a master after years of work with people and developing pattern recognition. People seem to think that Thai massage is just some stretches and that is completely not the case.

Heel Push Robert Gardner Wellness

If you’re a client with back pain, it can help. If you’re a therapist trying to avoid burn out this is how you do it. Thai massage is deeper than any other massage I’ve ever had. I can, if I wish lean 185lbs of heel into you. Thai massage…is the best.

Teach to learn more

Teaching the Intro. to Thai massage class this past weekend at Casa de Luz this weekend was great fun. We had I believe 12 or so students at final count and everyone was excited to receive work and learn to help others. Every group of students is different and brings their own unique flair to class.

This time I noticed we had at least 4 students with no formal yoga or massage training. 1/3 of the entire class just decided, this stuff is great I want more and decided to take a 14 hour class in it. I think that speaks volumes for how popular Thai massage is becoming.

One student has told me that they believe this will change their entire massage practice of over ten years. Their whole way of working, flipped and changed for the better. We helped do all of that in 14 hours. I don’t think that speaks volumes for my teaching, so much as the power of Thai massage itself. If you don’t know what it is, learn soon.

If you’re a massage therapist looking for a different way, if you want to save your hands and avoid burn out, this is it.

Thank you to all my students, for teaching me with beginners mind.