Incremental money

Money is a sticky spot for most people. I know few who don't…

Thai massage in Austin

Often people ask what Thai massage is? I'm finding more and more…

Ma Roller for back pain pt.4

This is the last video in our series on low back pain and we…

Happy birthday Guruji

I was doing research the other night and realized BKS Iyengar's…

It’s better than this?

A client I worked with recently had low back pain. As usual I…

Ma Roller for back pain pt.3

This is the 3rd installment in our series of easing back pain…

Another massage?

In working as a massage therapist I've encountered so many people…

Ma Roller for back pain pt.2

Here's the second video in our series using the Ma roller. We…

Ma roller for back pain pt.1

The Ma roller is the best tool I've found for working with tight…

What is Thai massage?

I get this question more than anything regarding my work. There…

Breaking the mold

I had a conversation with an associate where I was discussing…

Teaching Thai massage

In teaching Thai massage I've a daunting task. How does one pass…